Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Grammar Bytes

The first exercise that I tried in the program Grammer Bytes was Word Choice, excerise 1. In this program I had a pretty strong grasp on the proper choice of words and so my score of 95% reflects this. When making a wrong choice it was nice that the program told me why the choice was wrong and I believe this will partially help me in the future, but only partially because only in this situation did it help me, another situtation may arise with this choice and difficulty may strike again.

The second excerise that I tried in the program Grammar Bytes was Commas, Excerise 1. In this exercise I stuggled a little more which resulted in a score of only 80 %. With the several mistakes I made and the program telling me why the anwser was wrong it helped me obtain a better grasp of where to use commas. I do know that this will not solve the problem completely and I will still make mistakes in proper comma placement, but it will help in certain circumstances.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Horses of the Night

1. Explain the final line of the story. How is it possible to be both 'ruthless' and gentle at the same time ?

2. Create a character sketch for Chris. Is he a character with whom you can sympathize ?

3. Is Vanessa a static or a dynamic character ? Explain your choice.

4. Consider the saddle as a symbol. What, in your opinion, does it represent ?

1- In the story the " Horses of the Night" Vanessa puts the tiny saddle that Chris had made for her away both gentle and ruthlessly. To put something away both ruthlessly and gently is very possible because to put it away gently could be talking about both physically storing it away gently and so no harm comes of it as well as the gentle side of Chris that once resided within the stitching of the saddle. To put the saddle away ruthlessly could be speaking of the emotions that followed when Chris gave Vanessa the saddle and how he never said he liked her and how she liked him so much, but now he had a mental break down, Vanessa feels frustrated and doesn’t care anymore and so she puts it away with no more thought about Chris.

2- Chris in the story seemed to be a polite young man, who had many big dreams from little schemes. With all these little schemes it shows that Chris is driven. Chris I believe is someone that you can sympathize with because a lot of people come from lesser family’s, as well as from the knowledge we had about the war and depression we know that it was hard on people and so we can sympathize as well in that respect.

3- Vanessa in the story is a dynamic character. Vanessa is a dynamic character because in the beginning of the story she was physically younger as well as she liked Chris and was just beginning to understand how the world worked with the depression and everything. As the story progressed so did Vanessa, she changed physically and mentally. She became an older college educated girl who began to see that Chris words were those of his dreams and fantasies and not of his real life.

4- When considering the saddle as a symbol I consider the saddle as a symbol of Chris’ dream world where his family grew up on a farm with his lovely horses Duchess and Firefly and had a well known cross stitch. The saddle can also represent the memory of Chris that had never died and how he was always full of dreams and goals.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Shining Houses

1) Explain what type of narration is used in this story.

2) How is "The Shining Houses" structured? Why do you suppose Munro structured the narrative this way?

3) Discuss irony in the story with respect to the title.

4) What distinction does the story highlight in terms of the difference between legal and moral?

5) Sketch Mary's character. (note: this doesn't mean draw her, rather it means to describe her in terms of the definition above)

1-The narration used in the story The Shining Houses is third person narration. The story is told in third person narration because this allows the readers to get to know the characters and have an outside view of them not just the opinion of the people in the story.

2- The story The Shining Houses is structured in a couple different setting within a larger setting. The story is set in the Garden Place subdivision that was former Wicks Road. The story is first set at Mrs Fullertons house with Mary listening to Mrs Fullertons life story and how she has been there her entire life, after which the story jumps to the party house in the subdivision where they think her house is just a horror and want her to be evicted from the land. I believe that Munro structured the story this way so that the people reading the story will be able to have sympathy for Mrs Fullerton by showing her life story in the beginning of the story and proving that she isn’t such a cold old women.

3- There is a couple cases of irony in respect to the title of this story. The first case of irony is that the houses are suppose to be shining, yet the people within them are cold and deceitful. The second case of irony is that the story revolves around a house that is far from shining.

4- The story highlights the difference between morals and law by telling that Mrs Fullerton built her house on land that was known to become a road if development were to occur and yet she did it anyways. The morals behind the story is that she has been there all her life and has seen many things and who are the people to just come in and change everything and say that she has to change or move.

5- Mary in the story is a nice lady. She is portrayed as a caring individual with morals. After Mary had visited Mrs Fullerton she became knowledgeable in respect of Mrs Fullerton’s life and the ordeals that she has had to withstand.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Destructors

1) Which character is the most dynamic? static?

2) What elements of Trevor's characterization make him well suited to lead the gang on the August Bank holiday weekend?

3) Discuss the ways in which the author manages to cloud morality within the story.

4) Explain why you think the story is called "The Destructors" rather than "The Destroyers."

1- The most dynamic character in the story The Destructors is T (Trevor). Trevor is the most dynamic character because in the beginning of the story he is more quiet and just does the jobs that he is told with minimal talk, and was said to be straight to the point with his words. As the story progressed so did Trevor he began to speak more and then was the leader of the gang for a short while which completely differs from the quiet Trevor in the beginning of the story. The most static character within the short story has to be Blackie. Blackie was always just a simple leader with simple little tasks. hwne T stepped in Blackie stepped into the background to his regular thoughts leaving himself pretty static.

2- The elements of Trevor’s characterization that makes him well suited for the bank holiday job are that he is determined to destruct the house, he has a goal and sees his work as an art, and finally used his kindness to investigate the house in the first place to get a heading of how he would approach the job.

3- The author clouds morality in a couple different ways in this story. The first way in which the author clouds morality is that Trevor thinks that it is art to destroy such an old house and that what he is doing was just another factor of man and how destruction follows humans. The other way in which the story clouds morality is that the man at the end of the story laughs at how he destroyed a house by just moving his car a couple feet. The man finds this amazing that within a blink of an eye a structure was gone. This is clouding morality because a mans house was just destroyed making him homeless.

4- I believe that the story is called the Destructors rather than the Destroyers because the title the Destructors seems more like art. It reminds me of construction which can be beautiful and unique. Another reason why I believe this story is called the destructors is that in the end of the story it is not the boys who destroy the house but the man whose car the rope is tied to.