Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Grammar Bytes

The first exercise that I tried in the program Grammer Bytes was Word Choice, excerise 1. In this program I had a pretty strong grasp on the proper choice of words and so my score of 95% reflects this. When making a wrong choice it was nice that the program told me why the choice was wrong and I believe this will partially help me in the future, but only partially because only in this situation did it help me, another situtation may arise with this choice and difficulty may strike again.

The second excerise that I tried in the program Grammar Bytes was Commas, Excerise 1. In this exercise I stuggled a little more which resulted in a score of only 80 %. With the several mistakes I made and the program telling me why the anwser was wrong it helped me obtain a better grasp of where to use commas. I do know that this will not solve the problem completely and I will still make mistakes in proper comma placement, but it will help in certain circumstances.

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